花園流無相教会 御詠歌アプリ

by 臨済宗妙心寺派無相教会

Music & Audio


◆ It is a keyboard application that refers to the actual keyboard of Hanazono style poems. It works on both Android smartphones and tablets.◆ On the keyboard screen, the metronome is turned on / off at the top, the tempo is raised / lowered, the volume is adjusted in 3 steps, and the pitch / octave of the keys is adjusted. The keyboard is located at the bottom.◆ All songs are listed on the playlist screen. You can play the selected song by pressing the play button.◆ On the music playback screen, there are play / pause, return to the beginning, and skip buttons for 10 seconds before and after, and you can play from any place with the seek bar. You can also adjust the key of the song being played.